Make Time For Yourself!

It's so easy to get caught up with the cares of life and take care of everyone and everything but yourself. This is something that women have been doing for…

Don't Call Me Your Strong Friend!

After months of transition, I’ve concluded that I no longer want to be “the strong friend” The strong friend is the friend that continues to uplift, encourages, always prays and…

How Boundaries Will Bless Your Life!

Boundaries Will Bless Your Life! I’ve been MIA and to be honest it felt great! I’ve learned so much over the last couple of months! Life has a way of…

Just Say No!

Just Say No!

Repeat after me. No! No! No! No is a word that is so hard for many people to say and so hard for many people to understand. When you allow…

Healing Is A Process!

I’ve been quiet, I've been still, I’m allowing God to show me who I am and guide me to become who he’s called me to be. Though the world says…

New Year, Same You.

I took a moment to do some self-evaluation because if I'm honest I wasn't satisfied with how 2018 ended. That last week of 2018 something bad happened daily. It was…

Stop Going Back!

Stop Going Back!

Wedding season is ending and we are entering engagement season. I think I saw at least four engagements on my timeline this weekend and I am so excited and happy…

This Is Going To Take Faith!

The end of the year is a time where many are reflecting over how the year went. If we are honest many of us had an okay year but something…

Healing Is Your Responsibility!

"You may not be responsible for what happened to you but your healing is your responsibility" Will Smith This quote may not feel good but it the absolute truth. So…

Faith Or Fear?

And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.…

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