No More Silence.

For the last couple of years of my life, I've been picking up the pieces of a broken heart, a broken dream, and a lot of disappointments. I felt like I was about to lose my mind and thankfully I did not. Before the pandemic, my mom was given 6 months to live. She became very ill she lost her ability to walk and was in and out of the hospital for months. During that time my son's father relocated and told me and my son the weekend he decided to leave. I was already feeling completely overwhelmed with what was going on with my mom. Having my son every day wasn't an issue though but I still felt like that was unfair. I was also going back and forth in a toxic relationship that I later found out was a whole lie because his other woman called me. I was also in a toxic environment that I struggled to leave due to feeling obligated to stay. I found out that I was a friend to many but they weren't real friends to me. There was so much going on at once! I gained weight, I was depressed and frustrated most of the time. I wasn't being the best mom because I wasn't being the best me. I felt horrible most of the time but somehow managed to keep a smile painted on my face like everything was okay. These last couple of years were really hard for me and then a global pandemic came that shut the whole world down.

I lost my spark. I lost my passion to create. I am a creator who couldn't create. I had so many ideas come to me but I was stuck. I couldn't push past the feelings of being defeated anymore. I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders but somehow I kept going anyhow. I suppressed so much trama, so much pain and so much hurt pretending I was okay but I wasn't. I learned how to master being "strong" yet being strong almost killed me. I've been on a journey of healing the broken pieces in me. I realized I wasn't free I was still bound to my past, still bound to other people's thoughts and opinions of me, still hurting about having to let go of a man I thought I would be with forever. I felt like I was in a car crash with no seatbelt. I was wearing a counterfeit crown. Pure chaos going on in my mind but somehow I managed to show up daily. I managed to show up for everyone except myself.

I've been silent because I haven't had much to say but I am coming back wiser, stronger, and better! My life's motto is "If I am not living it, I am not giving it" and If you're been a part of my audience for a while you know that I don't write, teach or speak anything that I am not living out in my own life. This healing journey isn't easy at all! You'll have good days and bad days but on both days stay committed to getting better! Society likes to tell us that we have to be perfect in order to make an impact but when I think about all the people God used for his glory none of them were perfect. I am choosing not to be silent anymore. It's time for us to share our stories unapologetically. Your healing happens when you open your mouth. I want to challenge you to begin your real healing journey, not that cute stuff you want to share so your ego will get likes on social media. Be honest and be real don't continue to fool yourself to think that you're healing when you're really hiding.

I want to challenge you to tell the truth, the whole truth. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Your healing comes as you share your testimony. You didn't survive all that hell just to be silent. I haven't been passionate about writing for a while if you look at the date of the last blog I wrote it was in October of 2020. I wrote that after I left a place that was not for me and that did not go as I had planned. After leaving I realized just how loyal I was to people who weren't loyal to me. I am an author and writing has always been a form of therapy for me. I even lost that for a while but now I am back! I realize someone needs to hear my story. They need to know that they can overcome the things I have and more! My silence isn't helping them or me! My passions are coming back, my mind is being renewed, my heart has been replaced and I am going to live the life that God placed me here to live! It doesn't matter what you've gone through or what you're currently in know that God is still going to get the glory from your story! Share your true story and all of your truth. Choose not to be silent anymore. My new book Broken No More will be released in just a few months and I am excited about what's to come. Whatever's kept you silent make the choice to speak up and speak out there are people waiting on you!

Cristeen Biscoe

2 years ago

Whewww sis such a gift inside of you. You are the gift. We must connect cause I too am a writer and the drive nor confidence to write hasn't been active in several months. I write music, poems, and I'm also a prophetic scribe.

Natalie Louis

2 years ago

Thank you so much for your kind words! It's time to pick up that pen and write!

Cristeen Biscoe

2 years ago

Yes ma'am

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