
Choose Yourself, Queen!

I'm learning that apart of self-care is loving yourself enough to walk away from people, places and things that no longer serve you. Self-love is creating boundaries that help you grow as you move throughout this journey. It's easy to be distracted and to get caught up in something that doesn't honor the royalty within. As I've been in my house due to COVID-19 I've had a lot of time to self reflect. One of the areas I looked within was love. I realized the best thing I could do for myself was to continue to love me. I want to share my story on how I've learned to choose myself and I hope it inspires you to do the same thing.

I thought I found my person. The person who was created just for me. I loved the sound of his loud laugh, the way he looked at me and the way he taught me things. The moments we had were special, sacred and I wanted those moments to last forever. After a year and a half, we talked about getting married. I introduced him to my family, and he introduced me to his. I thought wow this is it! I found my person! We’re going to make it through anything! I didn’t know months later the truth would slap me in my face. The plans we made started to crumble yet I stayed praying, wishing and hoping that things would change, and they did but not for the better. We fought like an old married couple without the rings, we both accused each other of things, communication was awful to the point we just ignored the issue trying to act like everything was okay. I knew then that this wasn’t going to work for me but for some reason, I kept holding on thinking things would get better. Who wants the perfect love story anyways but I realized that I do. Months went by and I finally got the courage to let things go. I moved on with my life, but he was always in my heart. About 9 months later we reconnected you know those “I miss you” check-ins by way of text, and it caught me off guard. We played that back and forth game two years after that. Things would be great then go back to being crazy. I realized I had to get out of this toxic cycle we were going in circles and enough was enough.

I had to make a choice to choose me and it wasn’t easy. I wanted my happily ever after, but I didn’t have any peace. I kept trying to piece things together, but I realized I was the only one trying to make things work. I realized I was fighting for what was and not what was currently happening. It’s easy to hold on to what used to be, but I had to open my eyes and see things for the truth. Potential is great but it brings no guarantees and though love is a risk I was done allowing my heart to be hurt. I knew I had to choose me. A few months of not talking and I got that same “Hey Lady” email because I blocked him so he couldn’t text me. I won’t lie I almost fell for it. I considered it, but I knew nothing had changed and I realized I’m too old for these types of games. I spoke what was on my heart and asked him to leave me alone for good. That day I made the choice to choose me. I could have continued this bad cycle but what would it cost me? Dust settles queens don’t! As a single woman, it’s so easy to get caught up in situations that don’t honor the royalty within. I’m single but not desperate! I know my worth and shouldn’t have to ask anyone if they can see it. I know many other single women can relate to holding on to someone because its familiar or maybe you’re holding on to what it used to be. I want you to know that you’ve got to get the strength to fully let him go.

Love doesn’t hurt it heals. I know the narrative that women must go through hell and back with someone is always being pushed in our faces but I’m here to tell you that is not true. If his actions don’t honor you, respect you and show you how much he loves you it’s time for you to let it go. Men do what we allow. I realized I allowed myself to be available to someone who wasn’t trying to be available for me. I was trying to create a space for me in his life, but I never belonged there. Make the choice to be free! I’m so glad that I finally decided to choose me!


Stop Going Back!

Wedding season is ending and we are entering engagement season. I think I saw at least four engagements on my timeline this weekend and I am so excited and happy for them! I realized that it's also the season for those"Hey big head" "I miss you" text and if you're not careful you'll fall for it! We've made it to the last month of 2018 and this is a time of reflection for many it's also a time of feeling alone and depressed. Pressure to get to that next level and have all the things you desire can bring on anxiety if you let it. One of the things I've realized even in my own life is sometimes we are the source of our own cycles because we keep going back. Some people should not have any access to you because if they do you know if they catch you on a bad day you'll fall for it and end up heartbroken all over again. I'm speaking from experience because I've done it. Maybe you're thinking about reaching out to him or maybe he reached out to you I want to give you some advice stop going back!

I remember how I kept breaking my own heart because I thought things would change. I thought he loved me and he would realize just how valuable I am but the problem was I didn't see my own value. A Queen respects her crown and walks away from those who don't. I allowed myself to be wrapped up in him that I lost my value of self. Love doesn't hurt. You can glory in struggle love if you want to but that isn't the love God has for you! Perfect love cast out all fear so why are you so afraid to let what's not good for you go? Queen, it's time for you to break the cycle and set yourself free! The only way you can do that is if you make the choice that enough is enough! How much more of your time does he need to waste before you realize he just doesn't care? You have to know your worth and add Federal and State taxes! You are the prize Queen! You have to stop searching for someone to fill a void in your life and learn to really love yourself.

The woman then you're becoming requires your complete focus and respect. If you don't respect and honor your own crown why should anyone else? It's unfair to place an expectation on someone else that you are not following yourself! How can you expect a man to love a version of you that you don't even know? You've been giving pieces of yourself and wondering why you feel so broken. Queen, it's time for you to take back your power and reign! I want you to look yourself in the mirror with no makeup and really love what you see. I want you to know that going back is not honoring the royalty within you! Stop going back! Going back is distracting you from the purpose and plan that God has for you! If you've been struggling make the choice to stop going back!

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