African American Depressive Sad Broken Heart Concept

When You Can't God Can!

I'm going, to be honest when I say I have had plenty of moments in my life where I felt like I could not go on. I've felt like I couldn't survive the job loss, the homelessness, the car repoed, the so-called friends turning their backs, the many no's I've heard. It's been many times where I wanted to give up, run away and do my own thing. Does life have to be this hard? Why I'm I suffering when I'm doing all I know to remain in right standing with God? Why does it seem all hell is always breaking loose in my life? Why is it that the fight is so hard? These are questions that I've asked myself over and over again. I just want to be able to take care of my son and my mom. I just want to live out my purpose and do what God has shown me I would be doing! It's been such a big fight! I've been exhausted physically, mentally and spiritually. I've been at the point where I just want to stop. Then God being God always reminds me that my purpose isn't about me! Purpose is about the lives of those he has called you to change and though it's a journey to fully walk in it you've got to know when you feel like you can't God can. You will be very disappointed if you continue to try to figure things out. I want you to share three things you can do when you feel like you can't.

1. Pray!

Prayer changes things but it also should change you! Even in the midst of feeling the pain when I cry out to the Lord, he heard me and after I pray I feel much better! It doesn't mean you won't have any emotions about the situation but when you pray without ceasing you know God is near. When you pray God's word back to him he is obligated to respond. You have to know God's word and hide it in your heart.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

2. Be Stil!

Literally be still. Do nothing. Stop trying to figure it out. Stop trying to know what's going to happen. Stop trying to make a way because it won't be God's way. Trusting God will require you to get rid of you! It will require you to surrender! If you're serious about living out God's purpose for your life you have to stop trying to make things happen for yourself. Allow God to elevate you! Allow God to promote you! Allow God to do it so no one else can get the credit not even you!

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”
Psalm 46:10

3. Worship Don't Worry!

Worship your way out of this! Put on some music and sing yourself happy! Worship isn't just a song and dance it is my lifestyle. I have had to sing myself out of some dark times! Instead of spending time worrying about the details and how things are going to play out trust God and in the meantime praise him in advance for it already being done! Praise confuses the enemy! Praise shows God that you completely trust in him. He will also keep your mind from thinking thoughts that are not like God. So don't worry just worship!

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
Isaiah 61:3

Prayer, being still and worship have been essential to me not losing my natural mind while building my Queendom. I have had so many ups and downs over the last three years I know I have a purpose because of how hard these challenges have been. I'm not ashamed to say I go through things too. I've learned that my will has to die in order to be used by God. I've done a lot and I know I will do so much more and it's all by the grace of God! Don't give up in the storm! Don't give up even when you can't see a way out God is making a way for you! I am a living witness to know that God will take care of you! Everything you need can be found in him! When you con't know that God can!


Do Something Different!

So many times we want to see different results but we are not doing anything different. In order to see your life change, you're going to have to do something different. Doing something different can be scary because it's going to require you to get out of your comfort zone. If you were able to fix everything by doing the same things I believe things would be changed but if you're honest you just keep going in circles trying to figure out what's going on. Doing the same thing expecting different is the definition of insanity and I don't believe any of you reading this are insane so do something different so you can see something different. Over the weekend I wrote out some new goals that I need to reach weekly so I can see something different and I thought of three ways we can do something different and I want to share them with you.

1. Discipline.

This one is hard but it is so necessary it takes discipline to manage yourself but you must make this a priority. You're going to have to say no to things you might want to say yes to. You're going to have to feel the fear and do it anyways! You're going to have to push yourself like never before! It's your responsibility to get your goals accomplished. You must do whatever is necessary to accomplish them! You can not continue to be lazy and expect real results. I am on a journey to lose -50 pounds before 2018 and if I don't get up and work out and watch what I eat I will not accomplish this goal. What have you already missed because of your lack of discipline? Do something different!

2. Manage time.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day and if we don't use those hours in a productive way we will be wasting the day away. Every day you should wake up with a goal to reach. It doesn't have to be anything grand just something to check off your to-do list and will help you become closer to your goal. My goal is to study for an hour so I make sure I put that on my schedule daily so I can accomplish that goal. Time is something you can't get back and if you don't manage it you will lose it.

3. Be okay with being misunderstood.

People will not understand why you are doing what you're doing and that's okay because it's not meant for them to understand! Your goals should not be about anyone but yourself! You should be motivated from within. Even if no one claps for you clap for yourself! Stop trying to explain to everyone why you're focused on your goals! Do you boo! Old ways won't open new doors! It's okay to get out of routine and try something new! In order to see something different, you have to do something different! Don't allow others who are not on the journey of becoming their best self-stop you from being the best you can be!

When you choose to have discipline, manage your time and you're okay with being misunderstood it helps you to get clear on what you want and makes it easier to go hard for your goals! Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone because nothing can grow there! So something different so you can see something different!


Release It!

Just as the trees shed when the seasons are changing you will have to do the same. The reason why some things are being held up in our lives is that we won't release those people, places, and things that aren't helping us become better. Just as the leaves fall to prepare for a new season we must do the same with our lives. We must prepare for what we pray for and ask God to guide us along the way. I can't promise you that it's going to be easy in fact it's not. It's going to be extremely hard and challenging but it will be worth it all in the end. Holding on is hurting more than helping and when you refuse to let go you end up doing more harm than good. Letting go can be scary because you're taking a step into the unknown but holding on dead things will only kill you. It can be a relationship, friendship or business partnership. If things aren't flowing you're forcing it and we all know how depressing it is to force things to fit. I want to challenge you to do a heart check of these three areas in your life and ask yourself should I release this?

1) Relationships.

Relationships are the currency of life. Who you have around you can help you or hurt you. You are like the five people you hang around and if you're around people that do not inspire, uplift and correct you when you're wrong you might need to release some relationships so you can move on and become better. I've seen beautiful queens lose their self-confidence because they were involved in the wrong relationships. The wrong romantic relationships can delay your destiny and even change it. The wrong friendships can harm your purpose and leave you stuck in cycles. The wrong business partnerships can harm your brand and leave you trying to clear your name. Relationships matter you need them in your life. You are not an island you can't stand on your own so you need to have peace and clarity with the relationships you are involved in. Do you match? Do you support each other? Can you correct each other in love? Are you able to have fun and enjoy each other's presence? You need people in your life who not only want to see you do well but help you along the way.

2) Your motives.

What is your why? Are you doing what you're doing because of your purpose or are you trying to be popular? Are you trying to prove your haters wrong? Are you doing this to make yourself look good? If your motives are wrong it will all go wrong! The only person you should be trying to beat is yourself! Competition is not what Queens do! Anything not built on a true foundation will crumble. You should be making changes to yourself to better yourself and others around you. If you're in this for your own personal gain you've got it all wrong. Your purpose is not about you! Selfish people never prosper so make sure that you're not one of them.

3) Your thoughts.

You are what you think. You have to be careful what thoughts you entertain! Some people have so many haters but the real issue is the person standing in the mirror! When you don't love yourself you will allow your own thoughts to keep you in a cycle of dysfunction. Your thoughts will make you feel like no one loves you, no one cares and have you thinking folks hate you when they aren't even paying you any attention. You have to get to the root of your issues and stop making your inner problems a problem for others. You've to get to the root of it! If you continue to carry on as you are you will not be successful. You may try to cover it up but eventually what you're hiding will come to the surface and it won't be pretty. Deal with your inner self and stop being your own enemy.

When you make the needed changes you'll see the life you desire to live. Queens aren't pitiful we are powerful! You've got to know when to let relationships go, check your motives consistently and watch your thoughts. In this season you can't afford to be caught up in the mess that doesn't help you become better. If you really want to see your life change you have to make changes. The changes you have to make won't always be easy and it's going to take some self-reflection. It is going to take you being honest with yourself and releasing things that no longer fit in your life. Release what isn't working and don't do it with any resentment because that will produce bitterness in your heart. Make the last few months of this year count. Glow up in every area of your life! Release it so you can grow!

CHS Birthday Bonus Pack

Stay Focused!

Distractions don't look like distractions until they have finished distracting you! As we approach the end of Summer and move into the end of this year it's time to get laser focused so you can accomplish the goals you set for this year. Staying focused will eliminate you from falling for distractions. It's important not to get caught up in any person, place or thing that will delay your progress and push you further away from your destiny. One thing I noticed is the moment I get into a good rhythm where I am focused something comes to distract me and attempts to throw me off course. It can be family issues, health issues, relationship issues even friendship issues. I realize though life happens we don't have to allow just anything in our lives. It's time to take back your power and refocus on what really matters. I want to share three ways you can remain focus and get things done!

1. Set Boundaries

You're going to have to learn the power of saying no to something right now so you can say yes to things later. Setting clear boundaries will help you stay focused and will tell others you're serious about the changes you say you want to make. You can not expect people to respect your grind if you don't. You're going to have to set clear boundaries and stop bending your rules to make others comfortable. One of the things I've been working on is using my time more wisely so I created a daily schedule for myself. Time is something we can't get back so I don't want to waste any of it. Sticking to my schedule keeps me accountable and helps me plan out my day. Set boundaries so you can do things your way.

2. Make Time.

One of the biggest excuses people make is I don't have time. Every time I hear that I cringe. We make time for whatever it is we say we want. We make time for television, social media, texting and a bunch of other non-productive activities yet when it comes to our goals we complain about time. You can be busy doing nothing. We are going into the 9th month of this year and if you look back at all the time you wasted you should be ashamed of yourself! Successful people didn't become successful by wasting time they make sacrifices to make time to complete the task they need to complete. It takes much discipline to manage your time but it is necessary and very important for you to stay focused on your goals.

3. Don't Give Up.

One of the reasons many people don't accomplish their goals is because they give up! They give up when life get's too hard! They give up when they don't have support! They give up simply because they don't believe in themselves so they blame it on other people. Stop giving up! No one said accomplishing your goals was going to be easy! No one said you wouldn't mess up and you wouldn't have to try again. Success doesn't come easy! Stop letting these fake social media millionaires make you think this stuff is easy! It is not! You will never become successful in anything if you quit. When you quit you give up on not just yourself but your legacy. What will you leave behind if you don't accomplish anything? No matter how hard it gets do not give up!

Successful people didn't become successful overnight, in fact, most successful people have to push through some very tough situations but they never gave up. This isn't the time for you to hide away and have a pity party. Queens are powerful, not pitiful! Go wash your face! No matter how you feel get up, get dressed and show up every single day! When you set boundaries, make time and never give up the possibilities are endless. Stay focused and hold on the best is yet to come!

young african woman thinking

What's On Your Mind?

Whatever you think you shall see. If your mind is full of negativity that is what you will see. If your mind is full of confusion you will be surrounded by it. Your thoughts control your outcome. You can not have an abundant life when your thoughts are not right. You will end up frustrated, angry, jealous and bitter because you'll see everyone else "living their best life" while you're barely holding on trying to survive. Your mind is powerful and what you pay attention to will come back to you. So what's on your mind? What's been keeping you up at night or causing you to do nothing but sleep all day? If you want to see something different the first step is to think something different!

I know this can be a challenge especially when life seems to be all over the place and you're not sure of what direction to take. A positive mind will produce a positive life. So I want you to become more aware of the thoughts that come to your mind. Is it helpful or hurtful? Does it lift you up or tear you down? Are you self-sabotaging allowing the opinions of others to continue to bother you? You have to take control of your mind! Your mind is your throne and before you can do anything to help someone else you must change your thinking.



Every time a negative emotion comes into your mind cast it down! Having emotions is not a bad thing. We're humans we all have emotions and don't think you trying to become a salvage will change that, Even Jesus weep! They key is learning how to manage your emotions so you can properly handle the different situations that will come your way. Take inventory what's been on your mind? What have you been thinking about? How can you change those negative thoughts into positive ones? Remember what you think will eventually be what you do. So ask yourself are my thoughts a good representation of me? If not do what's needed to change that!

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