
Healing Is For You!

I realized I’ve abused myself in ways I’m ashamed of. I thought self-love was just doing things to make me feel good until I realized self-care was also me confronting the inner me who is my real enemy. I had to go through a journey of accepting what I wanted to hide from, those ugly parts of me that I never wanted anyone to see. I had to realize to heal I had to look deep within myself and admit what wasn’t right with me. It’s so easy to look at what everyone else is doing but it’s so hard to confront yourself. I was tired of wearing a counterfeit crown. I was tired of smiling when I wanted to cry. I was tired of pushing through pain pretending I was okay. I chose to unsubscribe believing that I had to be that “strong woman” that people admired. I had to be honest and realize that I was so broken inside.

Strength isn’t being tough, or a savage strength is being able to admit you’re not okay. Strength is reaching out for help when you know you can’t do this on your own. Strength is admitting when something is off and not living in denial from day today. I got tired of being “strong” I just wanted someone to hug me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. As women especially black women we wear “I’m strong” as a badge of honor and I’m trying to figure out why? Why is it okay for us to carry so much on our shoulders? Why is it okay for us to have to just deal with it? Why are we expected to always have it together no matter what challenges we’ve faced? I am not a “strong woman” and I will no longer pretend to be. I have moments where I don’t know what’s going on and I pray and cry. I have moments where I want to be alone in silence just me and God. I have moments where I must encourage myself and allow God to polish my crown. When you walk in purpose it isn’t always pretty but it’s all God’s plan. When you have a calling on your life you just can’t fake it until you make it. You can’t just do anything or be around everyone. You must remember that you’ve been set apart, chosen, and created for such a time as this. I won’t lie to you it’s not going to be easy but it’s going to be worth it.

We’ve made healing a cute thing, but the truth is it’s not. There’s nothing cute about having to deal with the real you! Healing is a journey and it’s going to take more than some affirmations, cute journals, and some candles. You must decide on the type of woman you want to be and then unapologetically become her. Make no excuses, set boundaries, and live the type of life that God showed you because when it’s all said and done you are the one that has to deal with you. Create the life you desire, become the woman God called you to be and thrive! “What happened to you wasn’t your fault, but healing is your responsibility” Will Smith. Queen’s it’s time to stop playing victims and become victorious! No challenge can come your way that God can’t bring you out of. God said the weapons would form but they won’t prosper. Last month I started a new chapter of life on my 34th birthday. I decided that I was going to do everything that I know God has shown me I can do. I had to make some tough choices, let some people go and now I’m on the journey of creating the environment necessary for my continued growth. Will it be easy? No, but I know it will be worth it every step of the way! I want to encourage you to go for it whatever your “it” maybe. No more talking about it, dreaming about it, or posting about it. It’s time for you to make moves so you can be in a position for the blessings that are on the way. I truly believe that as we shift from fear to faith that God is going to do some amazing things. Don’t fear your healing journey or be ashamed of it. God can and will heal you in every place that you hurt! I know he can because he continues to do it for me daily. Keep your head up and your crown up because better days are coming!


Choose Yourself, Queen!

I'm learning that apart of self-care is loving yourself enough to walk away from people, places and things that no longer serve you. Self-love is creating boundaries that help you grow as you move throughout this journey. It's easy to be distracted and to get caught up in something that doesn't honor the royalty within. As I've been in my house due to COVID-19 I've had a lot of time to self reflect. One of the areas I looked within was love. I realized the best thing I could do for myself was to continue to love me. I want to share my story on how I've learned to choose myself and I hope it inspires you to do the same thing.

I thought I found my person. The person who was created just for me. I loved the sound of his loud laugh, the way he looked at me and the way he taught me things. The moments we had were special, sacred and I wanted those moments to last forever. After a year and a half, we talked about getting married. I introduced him to my family, and he introduced me to his. I thought wow this is it! I found my person! We’re going to make it through anything! I didn’t know months later the truth would slap me in my face. The plans we made started to crumble yet I stayed praying, wishing and hoping that things would change, and they did but not for the better. We fought like an old married couple without the rings, we both accused each other of things, communication was awful to the point we just ignored the issue trying to act like everything was okay. I knew then that this wasn’t going to work for me but for some reason, I kept holding on thinking things would get better. Who wants the perfect love story anyways but I realized that I do. Months went by and I finally got the courage to let things go. I moved on with my life, but he was always in my heart. About 9 months later we reconnected you know those “I miss you” check-ins by way of text, and it caught me off guard. We played that back and forth game two years after that. Things would be great then go back to being crazy. I realized I had to get out of this toxic cycle we were going in circles and enough was enough.

I had to make a choice to choose me and it wasn’t easy. I wanted my happily ever after, but I didn’t have any peace. I kept trying to piece things together, but I realized I was the only one trying to make things work. I realized I was fighting for what was and not what was currently happening. It’s easy to hold on to what used to be, but I had to open my eyes and see things for the truth. Potential is great but it brings no guarantees and though love is a risk I was done allowing my heart to be hurt. I knew I had to choose me. A few months of not talking and I got that same “Hey Lady” email because I blocked him so he couldn’t text me. I won’t lie I almost fell for it. I considered it, but I knew nothing had changed and I realized I’m too old for these types of games. I spoke what was on my heart and asked him to leave me alone for good. That day I made the choice to choose me. I could have continued this bad cycle but what would it cost me? Dust settles queens don’t! As a single woman, it’s so easy to get caught up in situations that don’t honor the royalty within. I’m single but not desperate! I know my worth and shouldn’t have to ask anyone if they can see it. I know many other single women can relate to holding on to someone because its familiar or maybe you’re holding on to what it used to be. I want you to know that you’ve got to get the strength to fully let him go.

Love doesn’t hurt it heals. I know the narrative that women must go through hell and back with someone is always being pushed in our faces but I’m here to tell you that is not true. If his actions don’t honor you, respect you and show you how much he loves you it’s time for you to let it go. Men do what we allow. I realized I allowed myself to be available to someone who wasn’t trying to be available for me. I was trying to create a space for me in his life, but I never belonged there. Make the choice to be free! I’m so glad that I finally decided to choose me!


Love Yourself, Queen!

As a single woman, I know the struggles that single women all over the world face when it comes to dating! It can be frustrating trying to get to know someone who may or may not be honest with you. It can be hard getting your hopes up only to be heartbroken because you took a chance on love but love doesn't hurt it heals. It's easy to get caught up in waiting for someone to make you feel loved but what I've learned on this journey is you must learn to love yourself! If you're waiting for someone to love you so you can feel better about yourself you'll be waiting forever! If you feel you're not loved because your single you've got to take some time to build your self-confidence because no one else can love you better than you! Self-love is so much more than manicures and pedicures you have to really take time to love yourself from the inside out. A lot of times women start a self -love journey after a heartbreak but why wait? A man does not validate you you've got to learn that you're valid! Loving yourself is a journey that takes time but it's so worth it! I want to share three ways you can love yourself every single day!

  1. Take time for yourself!

How can you fall in love with yourself if you don't spend any time with yourself? Set time to be alone! Be intentional! Date yourself! Travel solo! Enjoy life! You don't always have to have a crowd of people around you to have fun! I've been blessed to be able to solo travel since high school and now that I'm older I take a solo trip yearly! Stop waiting for others and live!

2. Love the skin you're in!

When you look in the mirror do you love what you see? If not why? God created us fearfully and wonderfully and we have to learn to love how the creator created us! We are all unique and look different. I've learned to embrace the way God's made me. I love my skin, my eyes, and my thighs! Learning to love myself helped me gain confidence within myself. No one else can affirm you better than you!

3. Learn to say no!

No. Saying no is a complete sentence! You don't need to explain why you don't want to do something! Learning how to say no to people, places and things that didn't feel right in my spirit has blessed my life in so many ways! Sometimes we feel we have to be what others want us to be but we don't! A big part of loving yourself is learning to reject anything that isn't helping you become the Queen God's called you to be! Boundaries will bless your life!

There's so many different ways to start loving yourself but I've learned that taking time for yourself, loving the skin your in and learning how to say no will help jumpstart your journey to love yourself. You're a Queen even without a King! You don't have to wait for anyone to live life and thrive!


Start Your Self-Love Journey!

It's "New Year, New Me" time! I'm so thankful that I've made it to another year but I've got to be honest 2019 almost took me out of here! Even the last few weeks were rough but I'm thankful that God allowed me to step into a new year! I battled with a lot in 2019 from anxiety, depression heartbreaks, breakdowns and breakthroughs I was emotionally left on E. I'm making a vow to myself to never allow myself to get that way again. When you have a big heart you'll end up abusing yourself while trying to help everyone else. I gave up on myself because I felt like my life was one big mess and it was but it was a beautiful mess. So many people have made self-care a glamours thing when the process is really ugly. I had to really take inventory of myself and to be honest I was not satisfied. I realized I wasn't being true to myself and I was the one wearing a counterfeit crown.

As this new year begins, I'm dedicated to loving myself more. I'm intentionally taking time off to focus on me. I had so much weighed heavily on me that I couldn't just push through. I pressed paused on my life as I was caregiving for my mother. I didn't realize just how much that affected me. I gained weight, became antisocial and found myself in relationships that were all wrong. I'm thankful for my struggles because I was able to regain my strength. Maybe this last year was rough for you but I want to challenge you to take a self-love journey! Below are three ways you can start your journey to becoming a better you!

  1. Get your spirit right!

Bottled up emotions will eventually spill out into every area of your life. You can get physically sick when you allow your emotions to take over. Get back in position! Ask God to forgive you for allowing your flesh to have dominion over you when you should have dominion over it. Ask God to give you the fruits of his spirit so nothing else can dwell within you. Take action to renew your spirit daily. Take at least 30 minutes out of your morning to pray and read the word so it can dwell in your heart and renew your mind.

2. Get Real Accountability!

When you surround yourself with people who don't love you enough to speak truth to you in love you will never grow. You have to surround yourself with people who aren't afraid to tell you, Sis, that's not okay. Get around people who's life shows they live a fruitful life. If you're broke all your friends can't be broke. If you battle depression all your friends can't battle with it too. Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be even if you have to hire a therapist, life coach or mentor. I plan to hire the help I need to become the best version of myself. Don't be ashamed to get the help you need.

3. Keep Your Boundaries!

May your yes be yes and your no be no! People who try to get you to go against your boundaries do no love you and you should disconnect from those types of people immediately! Set your boundaries and do not compromise them for anyone or anything! You must do what's best for you and some people will not like that but you have to gain control over your life. If you don't set some boundaries you'll end up trying to pour from an empty cup and that's not healthy.

When you make the changes to get your spirit right, surround yourself with accountability partners and set boundaries you will then be able to freely love yourself as the Queen that you are. Sometimes we hurt ourselves trying to be everything to everyone else. Self-care isn't selfish it's necessary for you to reign and rule over your throne! I hope this year gives you many blessings, peace, and joy!



Profile angle of a Woman praying.

Did You Ask?

Over the last couple of months, thoughts about my future have been on my mind daily. I've been thinking about where I am and where I would like to be. Though I've accomplished a lot I still have so much more work to do. Thinking about your future can be scary, overwhelming and if you're not careful you could start comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to others is not wise but in the days of social media, you get to see a lot of highlights of other people's lives and sometimes you start to compare your life to them. Sometimes we want things that aren't in God's will for our lives but because we haven't even asked him about his will we feel we are missing out. "best life" without even asking God what are his plans for our lives.

You've tried everything and you are still feeling like you just can't get ahead and maybe that's not where God wants you to be right at this moment and that is okay. When my mother started to get sick in May I had to make a choice to keep trying to do my will or surrender it over to the Lord. Though it didn't feel good I knew I had to take a much-needed break and focus on my family. What I wasn't expecting is the transformation this journey has done to me. I have never felt some of the ways I've felt because this was new. I'm used to being the woman that has everything under control but caregiving for my mother left me all out of control. Day to day I had no idea what I would be dealing with and I had no other choice but to just go with it.

God has a way of getting our attention when we are not giving him all of ours. I was so focused on my "brand" I wasn't paying attention to what was happening now I just wanted to get to my "next". I've had to sit back and allow God to have his way! The battle was within me! I wanted to do what I thought I wanted to do and God had to show me that what he has in store is so much greater! He's given me endless ideas on how to walk in the purpose and plan that he has for me and not the one I started to chase on my own. God's blessings add no sorrow and though I was getting the speaking engagements, radio interviews and my brand was very visible it was not where God wanted me to be. What are you doing that you shouldn't be? Just because you're good at it doesn't mean that's what God has for you to do or maybe it's not the right time for you to do those things.

I now have so much more direction and clarity because I surrendered to God's will for me. I am 100% certain that I am supposed to help women who feel unworthy and unloved to accept God's love and call upon their lives. It's funny because when I look back I realized that's what I've been doing all along anyway! I don't know what plans you've created or what you're thinking about doing in the future but I want to challenge you to pause and pray. Before you make the next decision I want you to take some time and ask God if that is what he really wants you to do. God's plan and purpose for your life will prevail with or without your permission so you might as well make sure you're in his will before you waste your own time, money and efforts. You can be sincere but you can be sincerely wrong!

Don't do anything without asking God first! It doesn't matter what it is! If someone came into your life and wants to date you seek God on it. If someone comes to you with a business idea be sure to seek God on it. If you're thinking about going into business seek God and make sure that's what he wants you to do! Don't just jump into things without consulting with the master coach!

I pray this encourages you to stop asking Facebook and start seeking God's word. Only God can reveal to you the secrets of his plan for you!

Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’ Jeremiah 3:33

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