Love Yourself, Queen!

As a single woman, I know the struggles that single women all over the world face when it comes to dating! It can be frustrating trying to get to know someone who may or may not be honest with you. It can be hard getting your hopes up only to be heartbroken because you took a chance on love but love doesn't hurt it heals. It's easy to get caught up in waiting for someone to make you feel loved but what I've learned on this journey is you must learn to love yourself! If you're waiting for someone to love you so you can feel better about yourself you'll be waiting forever! If you feel you're not loved because your single you've got to take some time to build your self-confidence because no one else can love you better than you! Self-love is so much more than manicures and pedicures you have to really take time to love yourself from the inside out. A lot of times women start a self -love journey after a heartbreak but why wait? A man does not validate you you've got to learn that you're valid! Loving yourself is a journey that takes time but it's so worth it! I want to share three ways you can love yourself every single day!

  1. Take time for yourself!

How can you fall in love with yourself if you don't spend any time with yourself? Set time to be alone! Be intentional! Date yourself! Travel solo! Enjoy life! You don't always have to have a crowd of people around you to have fun! I've been blessed to be able to solo travel since high school and now that I'm older I take a solo trip yearly! Stop waiting for others and live!

2. Love the skin you're in!

When you look in the mirror do you love what you see? If not why? God created us fearfully and wonderfully and we have to learn to love how the creator created us! We are all unique and look different. I've learned to embrace the way God's made me. I love my skin, my eyes, and my thighs! Learning to love myself helped me gain confidence within myself. No one else can affirm you better than you!

3. Learn to say no!

No. Saying no is a complete sentence! You don't need to explain why you don't want to do something! Learning how to say no to people, places and things that didn't feel right in my spirit has blessed my life in so many ways! Sometimes we feel we have to be what others want us to be but we don't! A big part of loving yourself is learning to reject anything that isn't helping you become the Queen God's called you to be! Boundaries will bless your life!

There's so many different ways to start loving yourself but I've learned that taking time for yourself, loving the skin your in and learning how to say no will help jumpstart your journey to love yourself. You're a Queen even without a King! You don't have to wait for anyone to live life and thrive!

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