Start Your Self-Love Journey!

It's "New Year, New Me" time! I'm so thankful that I've made it to another year but I've got to be honest 2019 almost took me out of here! Even the last few weeks were rough but I'm thankful that God allowed me to step into a new year! I battled with a lot in 2019 from anxiety, depression heartbreaks, breakdowns and breakthroughs I was emotionally left on E. I'm making a vow to myself to never allow myself to get that way again. When you have a big heart you'll end up abusing yourself while trying to help everyone else. I gave up on myself because I felt like my life was one big mess and it was but it was a beautiful mess. So many people have made self-care a glamours thing when the process is really ugly. I had to really take inventory of myself and to be honest I was not satisfied. I realized I wasn't being true to myself and I was the one wearing a counterfeit crown.

As this new year begins, I'm dedicated to loving myself more. I'm intentionally taking time off to focus on me. I had so much weighed heavily on me that I couldn't just push through. I pressed paused on my life as I was caregiving for my mother. I didn't realize just how much that affected me. I gained weight, became antisocial and found myself in relationships that were all wrong. I'm thankful for my struggles because I was able to regain my strength. Maybe this last year was rough for you but I want to challenge you to take a self-love journey! Below are three ways you can start your journey to becoming a better you!

  1. Get your spirit right!

Bottled up emotions will eventually spill out into every area of your life. You can get physically sick when you allow your emotions to take over. Get back in position! Ask God to forgive you for allowing your flesh to have dominion over you when you should have dominion over it. Ask God to give you the fruits of his spirit so nothing else can dwell within you. Take action to renew your spirit daily. Take at least 30 minutes out of your morning to pray and read the word so it can dwell in your heart and renew your mind.

2. Get Real Accountability!

When you surround yourself with people who don't love you enough to speak truth to you in love you will never grow. You have to surround yourself with people who aren't afraid to tell you, Sis, that's not okay. Get around people who's life shows they live a fruitful life. If you're broke all your friends can't be broke. If you battle depression all your friends can't battle with it too. Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be even if you have to hire a therapist, life coach or mentor. I plan to hire the help I need to become the best version of myself. Don't be ashamed to get the help you need.

3. Keep Your Boundaries!

May your yes be yes and your no be no! People who try to get you to go against your boundaries do no love you and you should disconnect from those types of people immediately! Set your boundaries and do not compromise them for anyone or anything! You must do what's best for you and some people will not like that but you have to gain control over your life. If you don't set some boundaries you'll end up trying to pour from an empty cup and that's not healthy.

When you make the changes to get your spirit right, surround yourself with accountability partners and set boundaries you will then be able to freely love yourself as the Queen that you are. Sometimes we hurt ourselves trying to be everything to everyone else. Self-care isn't selfish it's necessary for you to reign and rule over your throne! I hope this year gives you many blessings, peace, and joy!



Nicole Pope

5 years ago

Thank you for your honesty and transparency! This has helped me. I am learning that this journey with God is not easy but it very well worth the fight. I am learning who I am in Christ but I also have to believe and trust who I am in Christ. I have to walk in who I am in Christ. My focus is more directed to God. Everyday I learn that I have a lot of work to do within myself. I admire your story and and it teaches me. Thank you

Natalie Louis

5 years ago

Amen! Thank you for reading my blog! I am glad it helped you!


5 years ago

This post has tremendously help me & brought healing to so much I was dealing with. You spoke yo my spirit directly. I be fine do much trying & have overwhelming cause me health issue. Thank you for transparency. I look forward in reading & connecting ! God bless you indeed!!

Natalie Louis

5 years ago

You are so welcome! Thank you so much for reading my blog!

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