Did You Ask?

Over the last couple of months, thoughts about my future have been on my mind daily. I've been thinking about where I am and where I would like to be. Though I've accomplished a lot I still have so much more work to do. Thinking about your future can be scary, overwhelming and if you're not careful you could start comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself to others is not wise but in the days of social media, you get to see a lot of highlights of other people's lives and sometimes you start to compare your life to them. Sometimes we want things that aren't in God's will for our lives but because we haven't even asked him about his will we feel we are missing out. "best life" without even asking God what are his plans for our lives.

You've tried everything and you are still feeling like you just can't get ahead and maybe that's not where God wants you to be right at this moment and that is okay. When my mother started to get sick in May I had to make a choice to keep trying to do my will or surrender it over to the Lord. Though it didn't feel good I knew I had to take a much-needed break and focus on my family. What I wasn't expecting is the transformation this journey has done to me. I have never felt some of the ways I've felt because this was new. I'm used to being the woman that has everything under control but caregiving for my mother left me all out of control. Day to day I had no idea what I would be dealing with and I had no other choice but to just go with it.

God has a way of getting our attention when we are not giving him all of ours. I was so focused on my "brand" I wasn't paying attention to what was happening now I just wanted to get to my "next". I've had to sit back and allow God to have his way! The battle was within me! I wanted to do what I thought I wanted to do and God had to show me that what he has in store is so much greater! He's given me endless ideas on how to walk in the purpose and plan that he has for me and not the one I started to chase on my own. God's blessings add no sorrow and though I was getting the speaking engagements, radio interviews and my brand was very visible it was not where God wanted me to be. What are you doing that you shouldn't be? Just because you're good at it doesn't mean that's what God has for you to do or maybe it's not the right time for you to do those things.

I now have so much more direction and clarity because I surrendered to God's will for me. I am 100% certain that I am supposed to help women who feel unworthy and unloved to accept God's love and call upon their lives. It's funny because when I look back I realized that's what I've been doing all along anyway! I don't know what plans you've created or what you're thinking about doing in the future but I want to challenge you to pause and pray. Before you make the next decision I want you to take some time and ask God if that is what he really wants you to do. God's plan and purpose for your life will prevail with or without your permission so you might as well make sure you're in his will before you waste your own time, money and efforts. You can be sincere but you can be sincerely wrong!

Don't do anything without asking God first! It doesn't matter what it is! If someone came into your life and wants to date you seek God on it. If someone comes to you with a business idea be sure to seek God on it. If you're thinking about going into business seek God and make sure that's what he wants you to do! Don't just jump into things without consulting with the master coach!

I pray this encourages you to stop asking Facebook and start seeking God's word. Only God can reveal to you the secrets of his plan for you!

Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’ Jeremiah 3:33


5 years ago

Omg I so loved this! So glad to see that others feel and believe the same!

Natalie Louis

5 years ago

Yas! Thank you for reading my blog!

Shadonica Williams

5 years ago

Wow this hit home for me on so many levels! I don't care for my mother but my daughter had to recently move back in with me due to an illness and I feel like I'm raising her all over again and I have no control over anything it seems anymore. I know God has a plan for me and my biggest fear is leaving thus earth without fulfilling that plan. For the first time in a long time I don't know whether I'm coming or going and I'm scared to death! I pray but I don't hear anything and silence is killing me! Thank you for this though its encouraging.

Natalie Louis

5 years ago

Thank you for reading my blog. My question to you is are you praying to tell God what you need or are you praying to listen to what he's trying to tell you. A lot of times we are praying but we aren't taking the time to be still in his presence and listen. We also have to be sure to get into his word about the situation. You need direction and guidance what does his word say about that? This is how I study the word and gain clarity because it tells us what we should do in every situation. The Bible is Basic, Instructions, Before, Leaving, Earth. Everything you need is in his word. I will be praying that you ask for wisdom and that God grants it. Prayer is our communication with God and after we pray we have to do something and his word tells us what that something should be. Remember the teacher is always silent during the test.

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