It's so easy to get caught up with the cares of life and take care of everyone and everything but yourself. This is something that women have been doing for years and it's not healthy or anything to be worn as a badge of honor. Neglecting yourself to be there for others isn't wise. We wear so many different hats and barely do we take a moment to just be. If we make time to do so we find ourselves still giving our time to those who don't even think about waiting before they come to us with their request. Saying no isn't always fun but it's necessary. You can't pour from an empty cup and it's time for us to take time for ourselves so we can be filled. I want to share with you three reasons why your me-time should not be negotiable.

  1. If you aren't well nothing else will be.

After coming back in town after a speaking engagement in January I hit the ground running. I was so empowered to accomplish my goals I did not take any breaks, I barely got some rest and I was busy, not productive. Sooner or later all of that caught up with me and I caught this awful virus that lasted for two weeks. I felt horrible! While I was trying to go hard I went too hard and ended up sick! When you aren't well not only are you forced to have several seats nothing else in your life can go well either. You can't run a business while you're sick! I kept trying to do my live videos and be social but my body wouldn't allow me to do anything but rest. You must take care of yourself! Be open to saying yes a lot less and set boundaries so you can take time to make sure you're healthy.

2. Say no.

I used to feel like I had to say yes to everyone and everything and thank God I got over that quickly! Saying no is not a bad thing. If you continue to overextend yourself you're going to end up feeling unlike yourself. You can not want to please people so bad that you ignore your mental, physical and spiritual health! You don't have to be everywhere and do everything! Every invitation does not mean you have to RSVP. Say no!

3. Make time for me-time.

One of the biggest reasons why so many of us are frustrated, overwhelmed and overworked is due to us not making time for ourselves. How can you empower others when you aren't empowered? How can you help others when you haven't had a moment for yourself? You've got to learn to make time for me-time. Start with 30 minutes a day. I like to do this in the morning because it sets the tone for my day. You can do whatever it is you like during this time. I like to read and write so I make time for that. Maybe you like to work out or get some more sleep whatever you like to do just as you schedule your day make sure you add me-time to that to-do list!

Don't apologize or allow yourself to feel guilty for taking some me time. You must take time to be well, learn to say no and schedule me-time in your daily schedule so you can feel better mentally, physically and spiritually. Don't continue to neglect yourself. Start taking these steps today and don't forget to have your me-time.