I’ve been quiet, I've been still, I’m allowing God to show me who I am and guide me to become who he’s called me to be. Though the world says to rush and never slow down I knew I needed to take a moment to pause. Rushing the process will delay you reaching the promise. I found myself rushing to get to that ”next” place, rushing to create a life that I thought would be great for me.  I have to admit I almost got caught up with trying to keep up with everything until I realized I was chasing after something I didn't even want. I wasn't allowing God to order my footsteps I was trying to be in charge and that was leading me down a path I didn't want to go.

So many people are wearing counterfeit crowns pretending to be who they want to be completely ignoring their truth and current reality. You can't conquer what you won't identify. So many people are using likes, popularity, and material things as signs of growth when they haven't really grown at all. Being a true entrepreneur will force you to level up and face yourself.  You can't win if you're not right within. Queens, it’s time to remove the mask and be honest with yourself. You will miss the blessing God has for you while trying to get someone else's. I love social media as a way to connect but it’s so easy to start to compare yourself to strangers on the internet. Most people aren't who the post to be just don't let that be you. You can't heal when you refuse to be real. You've got to stand in the truth even if it’s ugly and make some changes. I logged off and during that time I had to face myself the good, bad and the ugly! Telling yourself the truth can be hard but if you really want your life to change it’s necessary. I want the life God has for me and I’m on a mission to have it!

I've discovered some things about myself that I know I must change and I'm taking the needed time and going through the process to do those things. Don't rush the process you'll only be delaying the promise. Who God said you are is who you are! Until you allow God to have full control you'll be living life out of control! Do whatever's needed so you can heal! Don't get it twisted I'm still doing the same in my own life. You have to choose to be better, not bitter, positive not negative and make decisions that are best for you. Never allow others to dictate your life and cause you to get out of position with God. Refocus as often as needed and don't trip on yourself if you mess up just keep going. Healing is a process but you have to take the first step! Please make the decision to take the first step. Mask off, crown on!