And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

Hebrews 11:6

In order to live the life, you desire to live you must walk by faith and not by sight. You have to be able to see what you don't see with your natural eyes. I have had plenty of times in my life where I did not know how things were going to turn around but I had to keep the faith and trust that God was making a way for me. So many of you are frustrated in the process and all types of distractions are coming your way to cause you to give up. Many of you have decided to quit and you're still not living a life of joy. You may wear a smile but you're not happy. You know what you want out of life but something keeps you stuck. Some of you have started to get things on the right track but because it got hard you quit. The root of this destructive pattern is fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being rejected, fear of offending others, fear of being misunderstood, it all comes from fear. Instead of allowing fear to continue to win try having faith. The simple definition of faith that I learned is faith is acting on what you say believe. So many times we say we have faith but our actions do not follow. I want to share three ways you can choose faith over fear.

1. Say something different.

Words are life and if you're speaking negative things you'll see negativity in your life because of what you've confessed. Instead of speaking negative things speak life. Your life is a sum total of the words you've spoken. It's very important to be mindful of the words you're speaking about your life and the lives of those you say you love. Say something different so you'll see something different.

2. Change your environment.

Do you know you are like the five people you hang around? If you're hanging around people who are just as fearful as you how are you going to learn from them? You have to be around people who talk and walk in faith and not fear. People will keep you stuck like they are so you won't grow and surpass them. It's so important to check your crew and make sure you're around people who are striving to become their best self so you can too. When you change your environment and detach from people, places and things that aren't helping you grow you will be able to break free from living life in fear.

3. Believe in yourself.

Nothing I said will help you if you do not believe in yourself. If I didn't believe in myself I would not be an author, motivational speaker and breakthrough coach today. I had to release fear so I can walk boldly in faith. This is a journey! You will have emotional moments where things seem overwhelming but once you overcome those obstacles you'll become fearless! I have had to overcome so many mindset obstacles on this journey. If I allowed fear to rule me I wouldn't accomplish anything. You have amazing dreams and gifts that you refuse to step out on faith and d all because of fear. How many more years are you going to allow fear to win? It's an insult to God when you don't believe in yourself. You have to believe that he put everything in you already to become all that he's called you to be!

Don't continue to allow fear to stop you from living the life God designed for you! Fear is not going to produce anything in your life. When you say something different you can see something different. When you change your enviroment you open yourself to recieve from others who are on the same path and when you believe in yourself nothing is impossible! Chose faith over fear!