So many times we want to see different results but we are not doing anything different. In order to see your life change, you're going to have to do something different. Doing something different can be scary because it's going to require you to get out of your comfort zone. If you were able to fix everything by doing the same things I believe things would be changed but if you're honest you just keep going in circles trying to figure out what's going on. Doing the same thing expecting different is the definition of insanity and I don't believe any of you reading this are insane so do something different so you can see something different. Over the weekend I wrote out some new goals that I need to reach weekly so I can see something different and I thought of three ways we can do something different and I want to share them with you.

1. Discipline.

This one is hard but it is so necessary it takes discipline to manage yourself but you must make this a priority. You're going to have to say no to things you might want to say yes to. You're going to have to feel the fear and do it anyways! You're going to have to push yourself like never before! It's your responsibility to get your goals accomplished. You must do whatever is necessary to accomplish them! You can not continue to be lazy and expect real results. I am on a journey to lose -50 pounds before 2018 and if I don't get up and work out and watch what I eat I will not accomplish this goal. What have you already missed because of your lack of discipline? Do something different!

2. Manage time.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day and if we don't use those hours in a productive way we will be wasting the day away. Every day you should wake up with a goal to reach. It doesn't have to be anything grand just something to check off your to-do list and will help you become closer to your goal. My goal is to study for an hour so I make sure I put that on my schedule daily so I can accomplish that goal. Time is something you can't get back and if you don't manage it you will lose it.

3. Be okay with being misunderstood.

People will not understand why you are doing what you're doing and that's okay because it's not meant for them to understand! Your goals should not be about anyone but yourself! You should be motivated from within. Even if no one claps for you clap for yourself! Stop trying to explain to everyone why you're focused on your goals! Do you boo! Old ways won't open new doors! It's okay to get out of routine and try something new! In order to see something different, you have to do something different! Don't allow others who are not on the journey of becoming their best self-stop you from being the best you can be!

When you choose to have discipline, manage your time and you're okay with being misunderstood it helps you to get clear on what you want and makes it easier to go hard for your goals! Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone because nothing can grow there! So something different so you can see something different!