Distractions don't look like distractions until they have finished distracting you! As we approach the end of Summer and move into the end of this year it's time to get laser focused so you can accomplish the goals you set for this year. Staying focused will eliminate you from falling for distractions. It's important not to get caught up in any person, place or thing that will delay your progress and push you further away from your destiny. One thing I noticed is the moment I get into a good rhythm where I am focused something comes to distract me and attempts to throw me off course. It can be family issues, health issues, relationship issues even friendship issues. I realize though life happens we don't have to allow just anything in our lives. It's time to take back your power and refocus on what really matters. I want to share three ways you can remain focus and get things done!

1. Set Boundaries

You're going to have to learn the power of saying no to something right now so you can say yes to things later. Setting clear boundaries will help you stay focused and will tell others you're serious about the changes you say you want to make. You can not expect people to respect your grind if you don't. You're going to have to set clear boundaries and stop bending your rules to make others comfortable. One of the things I've been working on is using my time more wisely so I created a daily schedule for myself. Time is something we can't get back so I don't want to waste any of it. Sticking to my schedule keeps me accountable and helps me plan out my day. Set boundaries so you can do things your way.

2. Make Time.

One of the biggest excuses people make is I don't have time. Every time I hear that I cringe. We make time for whatever it is we say we want. We make time for television, social media, texting and a bunch of other non-productive activities yet when it comes to our goals we complain about time. You can be busy doing nothing. We are going into the 9th month of this year and if you look back at all the time you wasted you should be ashamed of yourself! Successful people didn't become successful by wasting time they make sacrifices to make time to complete the task they need to complete. It takes much discipline to manage your time but it is necessary and very important for you to stay focused on your goals.

3. Don't Give Up.

One of the reasons many people don't accomplish their goals is because they give up! They give up when life get's too hard! They give up when they don't have support! They give up simply because they don't believe in themselves so they blame it on other people. Stop giving up! No one said accomplishing your goals was going to be easy! No one said you wouldn't mess up and you wouldn't have to try again. Success doesn't come easy! Stop letting these fake social media millionaires make you think this stuff is easy! It is not! You will never become successful in anything if you quit. When you quit you give up on not just yourself but your legacy. What will you leave behind if you don't accomplish anything? No matter how hard it gets do not give up!

Successful people didn't become successful overnight, in fact, most successful people have to push through some very tough situations but they never gave up. This isn't the time for you to hide away and have a pity party. Queens are powerful, not pitiful! Go wash your face! No matter how you feel get up, get dressed and show up every single day! When you set boundaries, make time and never give up the possibilities are endless. Stay focused and hold on the best is yet to come!