young african woman thinking

What's On Your Mind?

Whatever you think you shall see. If your mind is full of negativity that is what you will see. If your mind is full of confusion you will be surrounded by it. Your thoughts control your outcome. You can not have an abundant life when your thoughts are not right. You will end up frustrated, angry, jealous and bitter because you'll see everyone else "living their best life" while you're barely holding on trying to survive. Your mind is powerful and what you pay attention to will come back to you. So what's on your mind? What's been keeping you up at night or causing you to do nothing but sleep all day? If you want to see something different the first step is to think something different!

I know this can be a challenge especially when life seems to be all over the place and you're not sure of what direction to take. A positive mind will produce a positive life. So I want you to become more aware of the thoughts that come to your mind. Is it helpful or hurtful? Does it lift you up or tear you down? Are you self-sabotaging allowing the opinions of others to continue to bother you? You have to take control of your mind! Your mind is your throne and before you can do anything to help someone else you must change your thinking.



Every time a negative emotion comes into your mind cast it down! Having emotions is not a bad thing. We're humans we all have emotions and don't think you trying to become a salvage will change that, Even Jesus weep! They key is learning how to manage your emotions so you can properly handle the different situations that will come your way. Take inventory what's been on your mind? What have you been thinking about? How can you change those negative thoughts into positive ones? Remember what you think will eventually be what you do. So ask yourself are my thoughts a good representation of me? If not do what's needed to change that!


The Truth Is...

It can be tough being completely honest about where you are in life. Sometimes we get so far away from the truth that we get comfortable with living the lies we begin to believe about ourselves. It's hard to say I'm not okay or I don't know but these truths will set you free. Until you become honest about where you are you're not going to be able to get to where you want to be. I remember when I first started my business I wanted to look the part. I got a website, did a photoshoot, had business cards but was I really winning? I was proud of myself for moving forward with the vision but had no idea what I was really doing! I had no idea that I would begin a journey that would completely change my life!
Everyone isn't going to get where you are and what you're doing to get to the place you wish to be and that's okay.

I want to challenge you to make the choice to stand in God's truth about you. What God says goes above what anyone else has to say. Society has brainwashed us into thinking if we're not sharing everything we're not winning and that is so far from the truth. Before social media, some parts of our lives were sacred and kept private but now it's frowned upon if you don't share your life with complete strangers over the internet. So many people are struggling with trying to keep up with others that they aren't even living the life the way God designed for them to live. It's time to be honest about where we are so we can get to where God created us to be. In order to live in your truth, you have to know the truth about you. What does God say about you?

We have everything we need already within us to become successful yet we continue to measure up our success to what others have. The abundant life is not stuff. Somewhere along the lines, we've got things twisted and we've become so afraid to be who God created us to be that we compromise who we are for likes of the crowd. Make today the last day you struggle with your true identity. Make today the last day you compare your life to pictures of strangers on the internet. Make today the last day you look in the mirror and live a lie that you're not worthy, capable and loved. Make today the last day you live in anything but the truth. The truth is you're amazing but you have to know that this journey is going to require you to become the best you.

Tell me what's your truth below!
Love Natalie.

Black woman working

Stop Talking! Start Doing!

How many times have you said or heard someone say I'm waiting on God? That saying irks me because that is such an excuse that allows procrastinators to continue to put off what God said to do. It's a way for people who just talk to continue to be all talk with no action behind anything that they say. Before you continue reading this blog might annoy you if you're one of those types of people! In the age of social media where people are trying to "prove" they are somebody not realizing that they're thriving off a complete strangers validation people can make themselves look like anything but the question is what are they actually doing? Have you ever noticed the people who talk the most often are the people who do the least? I'm not saying to share your wins and be excited about the things you're actually doing but some people just aren't doing anything. It's time to stop talking and start doing! So many of us have goals we want to accomplish before this year is over and it's possible to accomplish those goals you just have to take the first step. I want to share with you three ways you can start doing more today!

1. Figure out your why.

Your why should be the thing that keeps you going when you feel like you want to quit. Your why should motivate you daily! My why for working out is good health. My why for starting my business is to empower another Queen not to give up. My why for strengthing my relationship with God is so my faith won't fail me when hard situations arise. You should be motivated daily to get up and make the best out of each day! It's what helps me to keep going even when it seems all hell is breaking loose in my life.

2. Finishing is better than starting!

How many times have you started something only to quit later on? How many times are you going to keep allowing procrastination and self-doubt keep you accomplishing your goals? It's July and one thing you can't get back is your time so stop wasting it on people, places and things that don't bring any value to your life. You've got to make moves and take serious action if you want to see a change. Become intentional about the things you say you want to accomplish and don't stop until you've done those things.

3. You lack nothing! Use what you have!

One of the biggest excuses people use is I'm lacking what I need to start. You lack absolutely nothing use what God gave you! Before I became an author I had no idea how to write a book. I knew I needed to write but I didn't let that stop me. I wrote my book in a big $5 notebook and as I continued to write the resources I needed to complete the book became available. You don't have to have a lot of money or a lot of support to start. Use what you have and you'll have what you need!

How much longer are you going to just talk about the dream instead of making the choice daily to become the dream? Figure out your why, finish the goals and stop making excuses that you're in lack to begin! The life you want to live is on the other side of your comfort zone but no one can help you get on the other side if you don't move. Your life is a gift from God and what you do with it is up to you. I want to thrive and not just survive! Someone needs to see you make it so they can believe they can too. What are you willing to do differently so you can see different?

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