There's something beautiful about a Queen who's overcome so many challenges yet still is able to smile with style and grace! Joy is something you must choose daily. It's different from being happy because happiness is based on what is happening. Joy can exist even when all hell is happening around you. Joy can help you overcome any challenge you face. Challenges will come but it's how you get through them that can make you better or bitter and the choice is yours. I've had so many challenges in my life but one thing I've learned is to have the proper perspective and to know that if I can make it out of the last situation that this situation is no different. When challenges come into our lives we often back down but that's not the way proper way to handle them. The weapons may form but they will not prosper and if we trust that they won't prosper why do we give away our joy? I want to share with you three reasons why you must choose joy! Seasons are changing and just like the season's things in your life may be changing but choose joy!

1. Joy Changes your perspective.

You ever hit your foot on the edge of your bed or a table and though it hurt you laughed? Joy will help shift your thinking from a negative into a positive. The more you embrace joy the easier it becomes for you to see things from a positive perspective instead of a negative one. It's easier to think of the bad over the good but if you choose joy and apply this to your life you'll soon be able to see the good in every situation. Yesterday I lost my wallet with my ID in it and I could have been upset but I literally laughed and said I guess God doesn't want me to shop. Humor doesn't remove the fact that the situation is there but it helps take the focus off of it. I changed my perspective and didn't allow that to ruin my whole day.

2. Joy Is Attractive.

I don't know about you but I do not like to be around someone who is always complaining, moping around and talking about how much they're going through! Truth be told we are all facing some sort of challenge and I don't want every conversation to be about "the struggle". That is so depressing! It's so unattractive to be a negative Nancy! Joy is attractive! Smiling is attractive. So many women say they want a King but a King needs a queen who has joy! A Queen who can uplift him not talk negative and tear him down. Nobody want's to be around someone who is negative. You will block so many opportunities just because of your attitude. Be attractive to people by who you are from the inside out.

3. Joy Keeps You Saying The Right Things.

As you shift your perspective you'll also need to speak the right things. You will have what you say and if you're speaking negatively then you'll see negativity manifest in your life. You will have what you say. Life and death are in the power of your tongue. When you speak things you are literally breathing life into what you're speaking. When you've allowed joy to leave your heart you're opening yourself to speak something you don't want to see in your life. Joy will help you to speak life over every situation.

When you let go of bitterness and make the choice to choose joy you will see things change in your life. Your perspective on things could be the reason why you're not attracting the right people and why you keep speaking bad things into your life. Joy is a choice but you've got to be willing to make that choice daily. When you allow joy to be your choice you're saying though this situation isn't the best I'm going to make the best out of this situation. When you're able to have joy no matter what comes your way you win. Don't allow anything else to remove joy from you anymore.