Start Over With God.

Remember all those promises you made yourself about how 2018 was going to be different because you were going to do things differently but we are now in the second quarter of the year and you've done nothing different. You said you were going to leave that toxic relationship, you said you were going to lose the weight, you said you were going to start the business but you haven't. I want to encourage you to start over but this time start over with God. If you think you can be successful in anything without God's help I hate to be the one to tell you that you've been mistaken. Take a quick snapshot of your life and ask yourself how has it been going with you trying to make things happen on your own? If you're honest I don't think you've been that successful.

People say being a believer is so hard but it really comes down to making a better choice. For years I was confused, frustrated and annoyed with myself because I didn't feel like enough to God. I felt like I was forever a failure until I developed a real relationship with God. I got tired of doing things my way because my way kept leaving me frustrated and caused a lot of unnecessary pain. Some of you are upset with God about where you are in life but God didn't make those choices, you did. What's so beautiful about God is he gives us the grace to continue this journey and get things right. You may have experienced hell these past three months but don't allow your circumstance to cause you to give up hope. I want to share with you how starting over with God will help you become successful.

1) Trust in his guidance.

Just like you made the decision to trust in yourself try Jesus. Every single time I tried to "make things happen" I made a mess. Every time I allowed God to open a door I was able to walk through it stress-free and the opportunity was right for me. When it's God you'll have peace when it's forced you'll be frustrated. This applies to every area of your life. God knows what's best for you so don't get caught up in what you want because what you want may not be what you need. Trust that God's plans are the best plans for you.

2) Trust in his timing.

Just because God shows you something doesn't mean it's at that exact moment. Trust that what he showed you is already done but you have to trust in his timing. He may have shown you being a wife but you may not be ready to be one right now and that's okay. Relax it will happen just focus on becoming the best you! If God gave you everything you prayed for would you be able to handle it? I'm sure the answer is no. Trust in his timing!

3) Trust in doing things his way.

Obedience to God may not be popular because so many people are doing things their way but it's safety in your obedience. You can't keep expecting God to bless you if you're not honoring him with your life. It wasn't until I became obedient to doing things God's way that I was able to receive the blessings he has for me. So many people are living life outside of God's will and expect God to do everything for them. When they feel God didn't answer their prayer they got the nerve to be upset with God when he doesn't deliver. God is not a genie in a bottle to grant you your every wish. You will not win when you're not operating from obedience to God's word.

In order to trust God's guidance, trust in his timing and do things God's way you have to seek a real relationship with him. Going to church is great, listening to gospel music is great and knowing a few scriptures is great but have you asked God to come into your heart? Have you given him the invitation to have complete control over your life? We are officially in quarter two of 2018 and I refuse to continue to be in my own way. I surrendered to God and made the choice to stay committed to a life that brings him glory. I was frustrated in the month of March because it seemed everything I planned failed then I realized it failed because I wasn't seeking God first. I kept trying to make things happen instead of asking God who should be in my life, what should I be letting go of and what direction I should go in. I found myself trying to handle life by myself and I was wrong. Sometimes we put too much faith and trust into people when we need to put our faith and trust in God. People will lead us astray but God will always direct our paths and crown our efforts with success if we put him first. So the first 90 days of 2018 may not have been great and that's okay but learn the lessons and move on. Start over with God this time!


Janelle A.

7 years ago

Natalie, I've just read this post today and this is exactly what I needed to read...and do! I'm so excited simply cause I am ready to start over with God. Thank you Queen, for this wonderful word ❤

Natalie Louis

7 years ago

Amen! Thank you for reading!

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