Reclaim your crown

Adjust Your Crown!

When you're on the path to greatness you have to stay prayed up but you also have to prepare for the attacks that will come to attempt to get you to step off your throne. You don't have to attend every fight that comes your way. Remember just three weeks ago you made a bold declaration that 2018 was going to be "your year" so it's time to not just talk about it but be about it. When you're focused on your goals be prepared for distractions to come your way in many different forms. Maybe your finances are being attacked, maybe your health or maybe your relationships are changing and though those different situations can be stressful you must not allow them to cause you to shrink back to the old you. You've worked too hard to get this new mind and it would be a tragedy for you to allow someone else's opinion become your reality. As you're allowing your crown to shine you've got to remember that you are royalty and you don't have to apologize for it. How other people feel about you is none of your business. Yes, I know they talk about you and maybe even lied to others about you but you've got to rise above. It's so easy to be caught in petty drama these day's because some people thrive off of it but you don't have to allow yourself to be sucked into it. I want to share three way's to deal with difficult situations.

1. Remember who you are.

When it seems like all hell is happening to you remember who you are. Remember all of the test and trials you've overcome and know that you've got the victory in every situation. In my previous blog, You Always Win I talked about having the mind of royalty. When you remember that you're royalty you won't allow any and everything to move you. A queen doesn't step off her throne. Whatever issues you're up against you've got to know that it's just a temporary situation and this shall pass! Don't allow petty people and petty drama to cause you to dishonor your crown. You're on a mission and you've got no time for games.

2. Take ownership.

Now if you're like me you know you can encourage someone to live but then there's the dark side that if you wanted to you could drag someone and read them until it hurts to no end. *Honest moment God is still working on all of us!* Since you know how you can be you've got to be careful how you allow yourself to respond to the mess. I have moments where I fail at this and it's not that I forget who I am it's that I sometimes feel tired of being the "bigger person" *because I am only 4'11 I can't be LOL* Seriously though sometimes you reach a breaking point and that's why it's so good to have a relationship with God because in those moments you can simply pray and allow his presence to change your perspective. When you are wrong learn to take ownership apologize if you can and if you're not wrong you don't have to defend yourself. The truth always outlasts the lie don't try to figure it out or anything just be still. Take ownership for the part you played because though we don't like to admit it drama just doesn't show up all the time sometimes we invite it into our lives. So if this is you remember to take inventory of you. What's bothering you? Find the root of it? Fully forgive and hold your peace! Know that you're on the right track and just continue to trust God.

3. Don't you dare give up.

Queens don't quit so don't you dare think you're about to say forget everything and walk away. No, maim! Get up! Adjust your crown! Keep calm and carry on! The battles come to teach you how to fight! I'm not talking about throwing hands either! I'm talking about being prepared for what's to come. God checked me this week and made me realize that what I'm going through is nothing compared to the battles that are ahead. Walking in your purpose isn't always pretty. You'll lose friends, money and time. You'll make mistakes, bad choices and you won't always do things in excellence but you my dear cannot quit! I once was a perfectionist and I realize just how much that was holding me back. I wanted everything to be perfect like I saw everyone else's life seem to be on Instagram. I quickly learned everyone arent who they "post" to be and that helped me from feeling like I had to pretend to be perfect because I'm not. Every day I strive to become better and some days I have felt like throwing in the towel but this is bigger than me. Your purpose is bigger than you and you can not expect this to be easy. This is why prayer and having great friends are so necessary. Don't get caught out here without surrounding yourself with great people. If you don't have support consider joining The Throne Room where you can get the support you need to not just survive but thrive.

I've had some great days and I've had some bad days and when I have those moments I remind myself to have the mind of royalty and I adjust my crown. When you remember who you are, take ownership of your part and make the decision to never give up that is when you are open to receive the biggest blessing! Don't block your blessings by allowing life to cause you to put down your crown. Adjust your crown as needed and always wear your crown. Your crown is not invisible let it shine for the world to see.

Crown On!


You Always Win!

When life happens we can become surrounded by what looks like a bunch of problems we tend to forget who we are and we shrink back. When we take a step forward and get knocked back ten we tend to forget that we still have the victory and we can overcome anything life throws our way. We forget that in every test, trial, hurt, disappointment and setback we win. I don't know what you may be going through but I want to remind you that there is a winner in you! Don't you dare shrink back and live in defeat because you look around and feel like you're losing! So what the relationship didn't last, the job laid you off and you have more bills than money but guess what you still win! Winning isn't about the things you have but it's a mindset. If you choose to have a pity party about what you lost you can't pay attention to what you're gaining throughout this process. Sometimes we get caught up trying to prove to others we're "winning" by posting on social media all the things we have and how "happy" we are but can we still have a "winning" attitude when all hell is breaking loose? Are we still "winning" when we are going through or only when things are perfect?

Winning isn't what you have but who you are. You win because you know no matter what's happening in life you have absolute victory and though from the outside looking in it seems you're losing but you're not! Winning is apart of a Queens D.N.A Can God ever lose? Every battle God has complete victory and since we are his children guess what? WE HAVE VICTORY TOO!! Lately, I've had some very high mountains to climb and I know God is in the midst pushing me through. I dare not complain, I dare not live defeated but I continue to praise God in the pain and go this process knowing I have the victory! I had to remind myself that I am victorious and with God, I win! But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57 KJV) I am so thankful that he has empowered us to have victory in EVERY situation but he gives it to us and doesn't force us to have it. We have a choice when problems come our way we can choose to have a pity party or rejoice in our trials because we already know the outcome!Queens aren't pitiful we are powerful! There is a winner in each of us and once you recognize that you win you won't allow your emotions to make you feel defeated. You won't run to the phone to ask others to join your pity party and complain but you will start to rejoice because you know this is just another opportunity for God to show himself to you and work in your life but you have to allow him to do so. Allow God to take care of what you can't! You do all you can do and watch him work things out! Stop worrying about who, what, when, why and how but keep praying, reading and fasting and God will work on your behalf. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? (Matthew 6:27 NLT) The answer to that is NO!!

God is looking for someone who is open to receive from him let that person be you! For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth, thou shalt have wars. (2 Chronicles 16:9 KJV) So show yourself to him so he can show himself to you! If you shrink back and stop you're giving up. Queens don't quit! DO NOT QUIT! It's the enemies job to get you off course and stop your focus but you can"t allow him to have authority over you when God has given us authority over him. Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you. (Luke 10:19 AMP) I don't know about you but that just got me EXCITED!!! When you find yourself feeling like it's over remember what God says about the victory we have in him! If you're trying to do it all on your own expect a lot of hurt, pain and a lot of frustration because in our own strength we fail. I can say that because I've tried it and fell flat on my face and it did not feel good at all

You don't know what people are going through, how many tears they've cried and what pain they've endured but throughout it, all God has us and reminds us that in him we win! You have to know that whatever you're in your coming out of it! It has taken me a really long time to understand this and I am so thankful that I understand it now. I was the person that quit when things got hard and I would complain about what I am going through but now I've learned to keep calm and let God handle it. I've learned to keep loving when others are hating, keep being positive when others are being negative and keep quiet unless I am speaking victory over the situation. If you're reading this and you're facing a hard situation I want to encourage you to pick up your crown! No matter what comes your way don't forget that Queen's can't lose!


What About Your Friends?

Having a great support system is very important. Sometimes we try to be so strong and handle everything on our own but we are not built to be alone. It's a great feeling to be able to go to someone you trust and talk about things with. We all need someone to go to for support. I am blessed to be able to say I have amazing people in my life who support me and will be honest with me. If you find yourself not having anyone to talk to you I recommend you find an accountability partner or join The Throne Room so other women can help you when life is trying to break you down. Everyone needs someone. As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Proverbs 27:17 NLT) When you have real friends they become more like family and the bond becomes stronger.

Life happens and it can be difficult to go through things alone. How many people can honestly say they have true friends? When you're feeling down and out who do you call? The first person should be Jesus and you call on him with the power of prayer. The second person should be your real friend the one who will tell you not what you want to hear but what you need to hear out of nothing but love for you. It's very important to have positive, encouraging and loving people in your life. You must surround yourself with like-minded people who will help elevate you to become the best person you can be. Throughout life, you're going to need people in your life who will support you. Over time these people may change because some people come into our lives for a season but you must be open to receive the people that God is going to send into your life and learn when God is saying to let them go.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes: 9-12 NLT)

Ask yourself these questions about your friends.

Do they like me?

Yes. You read that right! You can't be friends with someone who wants your life! You can't have friends around you who are jealous of the life you have! So many people have friends that don't even like them! They say slick comments and put a LOL after it knowing they're not joking but throwing shade. If you feel that a friend is jealous they most likely are. Communicate and if they expose themselves as being jealous you might want to disconnect. Jealousy is not the character trait of a Queen.

Do they support me?

Do the people you call friends support you? Can you count on them to spread the word about your new project? Can you call them and get sound advice? Do they show up to the things you have going on in your life? Do they celebrate you and your accomplishments? Are they bold enough to tell you when you're slipping or just watch you fall? You have to be surrounded by people who genuinely support you and not just with words but in action. Queens support Queens!

Do they gossip about others?

This is HUGE! If that person is coming to you talking about another person they call a friend you better believe they are doing the same to you! If you can't trust that the person won't go and tell all your business you may want to reconsider that person as a friend. Queens aren't petty we are powerful! Stay away from those who are petty and always have drama going on.

When you work together with people great things can happen. If you just have one person that you can connect with that is better than being alone. Don't go through the hard times alone out of fear or pride. Pride will cause all things to fail so find someone who you can trust. Within the last year, my circle has changed drastically and I'm so thankful for the beautiful, smart, talented go-getters that God has surrounded me with. These women have become more like sisters and I appreciate all of them! It's a great feeling when you are surrounded by people who push you to be the best that you can be. I am so blessed and thankful for all of my friends! Surround yourself with loving people who want the best for you don't isolate yourself from getting to know new people because you never know who God has in place to bless your life. I've developed sisterhoods that are amazing! Evaluate the people you have in your life often and make any adjustments you need in order to stay focused!


New Year, New Mindset!

Hello, 2018! I’m so excited about this New Year and I pray you are too! 2017 was a year of growth for me and new beginnings for me! I was able to connect with some phenomenal Queens who are doing great things! I was also challenged in many areas where I could have lost my mind but God! In this New Year while everyone is declaring all the changes they are going to make I honestly just want to see continued growth in every area of my life. I’m allowing God to crown me daily so I can think better. Everything we do begins with a thought and that thought becomes a spoken word followed by an action. I want to make sure my thoughts are always directing me to into the life I desire to live. You can’t have a new you without a new mindset. I’m allowing God to transform my thinking with his word and getting more connected to him. I wanted to share three ways you can create a new mindset and not just for this year but for you to continue to be the Queen God called you to be.

  • 1. Prayer is Powerful!
    The way we can connect ourselves to the source is to build a relationship with him and pray about everything we do. Prayer is our connection to God and I’m making sure I stay prayerful every day. I do not desire to make any more wrong decisions and I’m focused on allowing God to order my steps but he can’t if I don’t invite him into my life and allow him to. We have unlimited access to God and I plan to maximize my time with him. Prayer doesn’t have to be difficult or hours long. Prayer is communication with God so just talk to him. Literally, open your mouth and invite him into your life and your affairs and he will direct your paths.

  • 2. Surround yourself with a good crew!
    Who you give access to speak to your life will influence what you say. If you’re around people who complain, have pity parties and never take accountability for their actions you will start doing the same. Your crew matters so make sure you’re around people who inspire you to become a better you. Your crew should be able to empower you and stretch you to think better of yourself. You need someone who will tell you when you’re slipping and not honoring your crown. Queens support Queens so get you a crew who will support you and love you through it all.

  • 3. Discipline is key!

    Many of us are declaring what we're going to do different this year and that’s great but you’ve got to be disciplined in order to see the changes you really wish to see. You have to train your mind to always think like royalty. You’ve got to do whatever it takes to renew your mind daily. Every day is a chance to grow but you have to make it a priority in your life. We are no longer just declaring a change but we are going to take action to see the change. So if you have to get up early or go to bed late do it. If you have to stop spending so you can save for the dream house do it! If you have to work out daily and change your eating habits do it! Discipline will help you accomplish the goals you set.

    I want to see every Queen win! I’m willing to do whatever it takes to see a change in my life. My word for 2018 is freedom! I want freedom in every area of my life and I’m determined to see it! I know it can be difficult trying to start this journey alone and that’s why I created The Throne Room an online community for Queens to be encouraged, empowered and equipped to let go of guilt and shame and reclaim their crowns! It’s time to see something different this year!It's time for Queens to take over the throne! It’s a New Year and I’ve got a new mindset! I’ve picked up my crown and nothing can stop me now!

    Always wear your crown!

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